Functions in Bash

# Basic function
print_something () {
echo Hello I am a function

Passing Arguments

# Passing arguments to a function
print_something () {
echo Hello $1
print_something Mars
print_something Jupiter

Return Values

# Setting a return status for a function
print_something () {
echo Hello $1
return 5
print_something Mars
print_something Jupiter
echo The previous function has a return value of $?

Passing Arguments

# Passing arguments to a function
print_something () {
echo Hello $1
print_something Mars
print_something Jupiter

Return Values

# Setting a return status for a function
print_something () {
echo Hello $1
return 5
print_something Mars
print_something Jupiter
echo The previous function has a return value of $?

the variable $? contains the return status of the previously run command or function.
