Transform SVGs into React components using svgr as vite plugin

npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-svgr
// vite.config.js
import svgr from "vite-plugin-svgr";

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [svgr()],

Then SVG files can be imported as React components:

import Logo from "./logo.svg?react";

If you are using TypeScript, there is also a declaration helper for better type inference:

/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr/client" />



Save userId using React Redux Toolkit

To save userId using React Redux Toolkit in TypeScript, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up your Redux store with Redux Toolkit:

    First, you’ll need to install the required dependencies if you haven’t already:

    npm install @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux
  2. Create a slice for the user state:

    Create a new file userSlice.ts for the user state slice.

    // src/features/user/userSlice.ts
    import { createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
    interface UserState {
      userId: string | null;
    const initialState: UserState = {
      userId: null,
    const userSlice = createSlice({
      name: 'user',
      reducers: {
        setUserId(state, action: PayloadAction<string>) {
          state.userId = action.payload;
        clearUserId(state) {
          state.userId = null;
    export const { setUserId, clearUserId } = userSlice.actions;
    export default userSlice.reducer;
  3. Configure the Redux store:

    Configure your Redux store by combining the user slice reducer.

    // src/app/store.ts
    import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
    import userReducer from '../features/user/userSlice';
    const store = configureStore({
      reducer: {
        user: userReducer,
    export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>;
    export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch;
    export default store;
  4. Set up the provider in your main application file:

    Wrap your application with the Redux provider.

    // src/index.tsx
    import React from 'react';
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
    import store from './app/store';
    import App from './App';
      <Provider store={store}>
        <App />
  5. Create a component to use the user state and dispatch actions:

    Here’s an example component that uses the user state and dispatches actions to set and clear the userId.

    // src/components/UserComponent.tsx
    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
    import { RootState } from '../app/store';
    import { setUserId, clearUserId } from '../features/user/userSlice';
    const UserComponent: React.FC = () => {
      const dispatch = useDispatch();
      const userId = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.user.userId);
      const [inputUserId, setInputUserId] = useState('');
      const handleSetUserId = () => {
      const handleClearUserId = () => {
      return (
          <h1>User ID: {userId}</h1>
            onChange={(e) => setInputUserId(}
          <button onClick={handleSetUserId}>Set User ID</button>
          <button onClick={handleClearUserId}>Clear User ID</button>
    export default UserComponent;
  6. Use the component in your application:

    Finally, use the UserComponent in your application.

    // src/App.tsx
    import React from 'react';
    import UserComponent from './components/UserComponent';
    const App: React.FC = () => {
      return (
          <UserComponent />
    export default App;

This setup allows you to manage the userId state using Redux Toolkit in a TypeScript React application.

async / await in TypeScript

"use strict";
// printDelayed is a 'Promise<void>'
async function printDelayed(elements: string[]) {
  for (const element of elements) {
    await delay(400);
async function delay(milliseconds: number) {
  return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds);
printDelayed(["Hello", "beautiful", "asynchronous", "world"]).then(() => {
  console.log("Printed every element!");


React.memo, useMemo and useCallback


If your component renders the same result given the same props, you can wrap it in a call to React.memo for a performance boost in some cases by memoizing the result. This means that React will skip rendering the component, and reuse the last rendered result.

React.memo only checks for prop changes. If your function component wrapped in React.memo has a useState, useReducer or useContext Hook in its implementation, it will still rerender when state or context change.



function Counter() {

    const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

    console.log("Counter : " +;

    return (
        <div className="mx-4 my-2">
                Count : {counter}
                <button type="button" className="btn"
                        onClick={event => setCounter(prevState => prevState + 1)}>Increase
                <button type="button" className="btn"
                        onClick={event => setCounter(prevState => prevState - 1)}>Decrease

export default Counter;

Logger.tsx ( Before using React.memo )

function Logger() {
    return (
            Logger Component
            {console.log("Logger : " +}

export default Logger;

Logger.tsx ( After using React.memo )

function Logger() {
    return (
            Logger Component
            {console.log("Logger : " +}

export default React.memo(Logger);


Custom Comparison Function

By default it will only shallowly compare complex objects in the props object. If you want control over the comparison, you can also provide a custom comparison function as the second argument.

function MyComponent(props) {
  /* render using props */
function areEqual(prevProps, nextProps) {
  return true if passing nextProps to render would return
  the same result as passing prevProps to render,
  otherwise return false
export default React.memo(MyComponent, areEqual);


Pass a “create” function and an array of dependencies. useMemo will only recompute the memoized value when one of the dependencies has changed. This optimization helps to avoid expensive calculations on every render.

Remember that the function passed to useMemo runs during rendering. Don’t do anything there that you wouldn’t normally do while rendering. For example, side effects belong in useEffect, not useMemo.

If no array is provided, a new value will be computed on every render.

const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => computeExpensiveValue(a, b), [a, b]);


Pass an inline callback and an array of dependencies. useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed. This is useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders (e.g. shouldComponentUpdate).

useCallback(fn, deps) is equivalent to useMemo(() => fn, deps).

const memoizedCallback = useCallback(
  () => {
    doSomething(a, b);
  [a, b],

Should you use React.memo() or useMemo()?
Choosing between React.memo() and useMemo() should be straightforward. Now you have a good understanding of both of them.

  • Use React.memo to memoize an entire component.
  • Use useMemo to memoize a value within a functional component.


Using React Context


import React, {useState} from "react";

export interface AuthContextType {
    isLoggedIn: boolean,
    logIn: () => void,
    logOut: () => void,

const AuthContextDefault: AuthContextType = {
    isLoggedIn: false,
    logIn(): void {
    logOut(): void {

const AuthContext = React.createContext(AuthContextDefault);

export const AuthContextProvider = (props: any) => {

    // we need to initialize state from local storage because we should keep users logged in on page refresh
    const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(() => {
        if (localStorage.getItem("isLoggedIn") === "1") {
            return true;

        return false;

    const logInHandler = () => {
        // save in local storage
        localStorage.setItem("isLoggedIn", "1");

    const logOutHandler = () => {
        // remove from local storage

    return <AuthContext.Provider value={{isLoggedIn: isLoggedIn, logIn: logInHandler, logOut: logOutHandler}}>

export default AuthContext;


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
import {BrowserRouter} from "react-router-dom";
import {AuthContextProvider} from "./context/AuthContext";




import AuthContext from "../context/AuthContext";
import {useContext} from "react";

function Login() {

    const authCtx = useContext(AuthContext);

    return (
        <div className="m-2">
                <span>Username : </span>
                <input type="text" className="input input-bordered w-full max-w-xs ml-2"
                       placeholder="Enter Username"/>

                <span>Password : </span>
                <input type="password" className="input input-bordered w-full max-w-xs ml-2"
                       placeholder="Enter Password"/>
            <div className="mt-4">
                <button type="button" className="btn" onClick={authCtx.logIn}>Login</button>
                <button type="button" className="btn ml-2" onClick={authCtx.logOut}>Logout</button>

export default Login;


import AuthContext from "../context/AuthContext";
import {useContext} from "react";

function User() {

    const authCtx = useContext(AuthContext);

    return (
            {authCtx.isLoggedIn && "Logged in"}
            {!authCtx.isLoggedIn && "Logged out"}

export default User;


Using the useReducer Hook in React

import {useReducer} from "react";

interface CounterAction {
    type: CounterType,
    data: number

enum CounterType {

interface CounterState {
    count: number

function CounterReducer(state: CounterState, action: CounterAction): CounterState {

    if (action.type === CounterType.INCREASE) {
        return {...state, count: state.count +}
    } else if (action.type === CounterType.DECREASE) {
        return {...state, count: state.count -}

    return {...state};

function Counter() {

    // initial value for counter
    const counterInitializerArg: CounterState = {count: 0};
    // counter value
    let counterState: CounterState;
    // this is a function with CounterAction as parameter, it will increase/decrease counter value by 1
    let counterDispatch: (payload: CounterAction) => void;

    [counterState, counterDispatch] = useReducer(CounterReducer, counterInitializerArg);

    return (
                Count : {counterState.count}
                <button type="button" className="btn"
                        onClick={event => counterDispatch({type: CounterType.INCREASE, data: 1})}>Increase
                <button type="button" className="btn"
                        onClick={event => counterDispatch({type: CounterType.DECREASE, data: 1})}>Decrease

export default Counter;

Specifying the initial state

There are two different ways to initialize useReducer state. You may choose either one depending on the use case. The simplest way is to pass the initial state as a second argument:

const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
  {count: initialCount}

Lazy initialization

You can also create the initial state lazily. To do this, you can pass an init function as the third argument. The initial state will be set to init(initialArg).

It lets you extract the logic for calculating the initial state outside the reducer. This is also handy for resetting the state later in response to an action:

function init(initialCount) {
  return {count: initialCount};

function reducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment':
      return {count: state.count + 1};
    case 'decrement':
      return {count: state.count - 1};
    case 'reset':
      return init(action.payload);
      throw new Error();

function Counter({initialCount}) {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialCount, init);
  return (
      Count: {state.count}
        onClick={() => dispatch({type: 'reset', payload: initialCount})}>
      <button onClick={() => dispatch({type: 'decrement'})}>-</button>
      <button onClick={() => dispatch({type: 'increment'})}>+</button>


Working with Query Parameters in React Router

import {useLocation, useNavigate} from 'react-router-dom'

function Welcome() {
    const location = useLocation();
    const navigate = useNavigate();
    // URLSearchParams defines utility methods to work with the query string of a URL.
    const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(;
    const paramName = queryParams.get("name");


    return (
                <button className={"btn mx-2"} onClick={event => {

                <button className={"btn mx-2"} onClick={event => {

                <button className={"btn mx-2"} onClick={event => {

            <div>Hello {paramName}</div>

export default Welcome;


Typechecking With PropTypes in React Typescript

InferPropTypes from @types/prop-types can be used to create type definitions from PropTypes definitions.

npm install --save prop-types
npm install --save @types/prop-types
import PropTypes, {InferProps} from 'prop-types';

function Button(props: InferProps<typeof Button.propTypes>) {
    return (
        <button type="button">

Button.propTypes = {
    children: PropTypes.node,
    size: PropTypes.number,

Button.defaultProps = {
    size: 1,

export default Button;


Here is an example documenting the different validators provided:

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

MyComponent.propTypes = {
  // You can declare that a prop is a specific JS type. By default, these
  // are all optional.
  optionalArray: PropTypes.array,
  optionalBool: PropTypes.bool,
  optionalFunc: PropTypes.func,
  optionalNumber: PropTypes.number,
  optionalObject: PropTypes.object,
  optionalString: PropTypes.string,
  optionalSymbol: PropTypes.symbol,

  // Anything that can be rendered: numbers, strings, elements or an array
  // (or fragment) containing these types.
  optionalNode: PropTypes.node,

  // A React element.
  optionalElement: PropTypes.element,

  // A React element type (ie. MyComponent).
  optionalElementType: PropTypes.elementType,

  // You can also declare that a prop is an instance of a class. This uses
  // JS's instanceof operator.
  optionalMessage: PropTypes.instanceOf(Message),

  // You can ensure that your prop is limited to specific values by treating
  // it as an enum.
  optionalEnum: PropTypes.oneOf(['News', 'Photos']),

  // An object that could be one of many types
  optionalUnion: PropTypes.oneOfType([

  // An array of a certain type
  optionalArrayOf: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),

  // An object with property values of a certain type
  optionalObjectOf: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.number),

  // An object taking on a particular shape
  optionalObjectWithShape: PropTypes.shape({
    color: PropTypes.string,
    fontSize: PropTypes.number

  // An object with warnings on extra properties
  optionalObjectWithStrictShape: PropTypes.exact({
    name: PropTypes.string,
    quantity: PropTypes.number

  // You can chain any of the above with `isRequired` to make sure a warning
  // is shown if the prop isn't provided.
  requiredFunc: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  // A required value of any data type
  requiredAny: PropTypes.any.isRequired,

  // You can also specify a custom validator. It should return an Error
  // object if the validation fails. Don't `console.warn` or throw, as this
  // won't work inside `oneOfType`.
  customProp: function(props, propName, componentName) {
    if (!/matchme/.test(props[propName])) {
      return new Error(
        'Invalid prop `' + propName + '` supplied to' +
        ' `' + componentName + '`. Validation failed.'

  // You can also supply a custom validator to `arrayOf` and `objectOf`.
  // It should return an Error object if the validation fails. The validator
  // will be called for each key in the array or object. The first two
  // arguments of the validator are the array or object itself, and the
  // current item's key.
  customArrayProp: PropTypes.arrayOf(function(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName) {
    if (!/matchme/.test(propValue[key])) {
      return new Error(
        'Invalid prop `' + propFullName + '` supplied to' +
        ' `' + componentName + '`. Validation failed.'
