Aggregation in Spring Data MongoDB
Aggregation in MongoDB was built to process data and return computed results. Data is processed in stages and the output of one stage is provided as input to the next stage.
Aggregation Using MongoTemplate
{ "_id" : "01001", "city" : "AGAWAM", "loc" : [ -72.622739, 42.070206 ], "pop" : 15338, "state" : "MA" }
Get All the States With a Population Greater Than 10 Million Order by Population Descending
GroupOperation groupByStateAndSumPop = group("state") .sum("pop").as("statePop"); MatchOperation filterStates = match(new Criteria("statePop").gt(10000000)); SortOperation sortByPopDesc = sort(, "statePop")); Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation( groupByStateAndSumPop, filterStates, sortByPopDesc); AggregationResults<StatePopulation> result = mongoTemplate.aggregate( aggregation, "zips", StatePopulation.class);
The expected output will have a field _id as state and a field statePop with the total state population:
public class StatePoulation { @Id private String state; private Integer statePop; // standard getters and setters }
The @Id annotation will map the _id field from output to state in the model:
Get Smallest State by Average City Population
GroupOperation sumTotalCityPop = group("state", "city") .sum("pop").as("cityPop"); GroupOperation averageStatePop = group("_id.state") .avg("cityPop").as("avgCityPop"); SortOperation sortByAvgPopAsc = sort(, "avgCityPop")); LimitOperation limitToOnlyFirstDoc = limit(1); ProjectionOperation projectToMatchModel = project() .andExpression("_id").as("state") .andExpression("avgCityPop").as("statePop"); Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation( sumTotalCityPop, averageStatePop, sortByAvgPopAsc, limitToOnlyFirstDoc, projectToMatchModel); AggregationResults<StatePopulation> result = mongoTemplate .aggregate(aggregation, "zips", StatePopulation.class); StatePopulation smallestState = result.getUniqueMappedResult();
Get the State With Maximum and Minimum Zip Codes
GroupOperation sumZips = group("state").count().as("zipCount"); SortOperation sortByCount = sort(Direction.ASC, "zipCount"); GroupOperation groupFirstAndLast = group().first("_id").as("minZipState") .first("zipCount").as("minZipCount").last("_id").as("maxZipState") .last("zipCount").as("maxZipCount"); Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(sumZips, sortByCount, groupFirstAndLast); AggregationResults<Document> result = mongoTemplate .aggregate(aggregation, "zips", Document.class); Document document= result.getUniqueMappedResult();
Aggregation Using MongoRepository
@Document(collection = "property") public class Property { @Id private String id; @Field("price") private int price; @Field("area") private int area; @Field("property_type") private String propertyType; @Field("transaction_type") private String transactionType; // Constructor, getters, setters, toString() }
@Aggregation(pipeline = { "Operation/Stage 1...", "Operation/Stage 2...", "Operation/Stage 3...", }) List<Property> someMethod();
@Aggregation(pipeline = { "{'$match':{'transaction_type':'For Sale', 'price' : {$gt : 100000}}", }) List<Property> findExpensivePropertiesForSale();
@Aggregation(pipeline = { "{'$match':{'transaction_type': ?0, 'price' : {$gt : ?1}}", }) List<Property> findPropertiesByTransactionTypeAndPriceGTPositional(String transactionType, int price); @Aggregation(pipeline = { "{'$match':{'transaction_type': #{#transactionType}, 'price' : {$gt : #{#price}}}", }) List<Property> findPropertiesByTransactionTypeAndPriceGTNamed(@Param("transactionType") String transactionType, @Param("price") int price);
@Aggregation(pipeline = { "{'$match':{'transaction_type':?0, 'price': {$gt: ?1} }}", "{'$sample':{size:?2}}", "{'$sort':{'area':-1}}" }) List<Property> findPropertiesByTransactionTypeAndPriceGT(String transactionType, int price, int sampleSize);
@Aggregation(pipeline = { "{'$match':{'transaction_type':?0, 'price': {$gt: ?1} }}", "{'$sample':{size:?2}}", "{'$sort':{'area':-1}}" }) Iterable<Property> findPropertiesByTransactionTypeAndPriceGTPageable(String transactionType, int price, int sampleSize, Pageable pageable);