JavaScript String.format()

'Github is %s'.format('awesome');                  // "Github is awesome"
'One answer may be %i'.format(42);                 // "One answer may be 42"
'Another answer may be %.5f'.format(Math.PI);      // "Another answer may be 3.14159"
'%.5f is not equal to %.5f'.format(22/7, Math.PI); // "3.14286 is not equal to 3.14159"
'PI minus 3 is %0.5f'.format(Math.PI - 3);         // "PI minus 3 is 0.14159"
'%,d is a really big number'.format(299792458);    // "299,792,458 is a really big number"
'%0,2f is a smaller number'.format(12021.12);      // "12,021.12 is a smaller number"

References :

Keywords :
String , Format

Mustache a JavaScript Templating Engine

<script id="template" type="x-tmpl-mustache">
  <p>Use the <strong>{{power}}</strong>, {{name}}!</p>
//Grab the inline template
var template = document.getElementById('template').innerHTML;

//Parse it (optional, only necessary if template is to be used again)

//Render the data into the template
var rendered = Mustache.render(template, {name: "Luke", power: "force"});

//Overwrite the contents of #target with the rendered HTML
document.getElementById('target').innerHTML = rendered;

References :

Keywords :

Template , String , HTML

HTML5 Custom Data Attributes

Prefixing the custom attributes with data- ensures that they will be completely ignored by the user agent. As far as the browser and indeed the website’s end user are concerned, this data does not exist.

<ul id="vegetable-seeds">
  <li data-spacing="10cm" data-sowing-time="March to June">Carrots</li>
  <li data-spacing="30cm" data-sowing-time="February to March">Celery</li>
  <li data-spacing="3cm" data-sowing-time="March to September">Radishes</li>

Set Attributes

    $("#w3s").attr("data-sowing-time", "March to June");

Get Attributes


References :

Keywords :

HTML , Attribute , User

How to add JavaScript library in MVC project

JavaScript :

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryui").Include(


bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css").Include(

References :

Keywords : 

References ,  Script , Bundle

Get CPU and Memory usage of system in C#

PerformanceCounter cpuCounter=new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total");
PerformanceCounter ramCounter= new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes");

// The method nextValue() always returns a 0 value on the first call. So you have to call this method a second time
var cpuUsage = cpuCounter.NextValue();
string cpuUsageStr = string.Format("{0:f2} %",cpuUsage);

var ramAvailable = ramCounter.NextValue();
string ramAvaiableStr = string.Format("{0} MB", ramAvailable);

References :

jQuery Templating

An example template is below:

<script type="text/html" id="template">
    <div data-content="author"></div>
    <div data-content="date"></div>
    <img data-src="authorPicture" data-alt="author"/>
    <div data-content="post"></div>

And to use this do the following:

        author: 'Joe Bloggs',
        date: '25th May 2013',
        authorPicture: 'Authors/JoeBloggs.jpg',
        post: 'This is the contents of my post'

Similarly the content of the template could be held in a separate html file without the enclosing script tag, and used like the following:

        author: 'Joe Bloggs',
        date: '25th May 2013',
        authorPicture: 'Authors/JoeBloggs.jpg',
        post: 'This is the contents of my post'

References :