JavaScript String.format()

'Github is %s'.format('awesome');                  // "Github is awesome"
'One answer may be %i'.format(42);                 // "One answer may be 42"
'Another answer may be %.5f'.format(Math.PI);      // "Another answer may be 3.14159"
'%.5f is not equal to %.5f'.format(22/7, Math.PI); // "3.14286 is not equal to 3.14159"
'PI minus 3 is %0.5f'.format(Math.PI - 3);         // "PI minus 3 is 0.14159"
'%,d is a really big number'.format(299792458);    // "299,792,458 is a really big number"
'%0,2f is a smaller number'.format(12021.12);      // "12,021.12 is a smaller number"

References :

Keywords :
String , Format